Wieści z kraju i ze świata #26

The Networks

Zapraszamy do przeglądu wieści z kraju i ze świata.


Trwa Pixelowa ofensywa Trefla, ale i u nas poczytacie o grach retro (wkrótce 2 nowe recenzje). Poczytać możecie również nasze wrażenia o wersji anglojęzycznej gry Boss Monster albo zajrzeć do naszej galerii z tej pozycji.

Nie zapominajcie również o bezprecedensowej akcji naszego bloga i śledźcie cykl Bogowie Polskiego Videocastu. Jeszcze 6 miejsc do odkrycia!


Boss monster _

Premiera Boss Monster po polsku!

9 września w Polsce pojawi się Boss Monster. Wyczekiwana przez fanów gra będzie miała swoją premierę na ​popularnej imprezie Pog(R)adajmy, odbywającej się równocześnie w czternastu miastach. Poznań, Kraków, Wrocław, Katowice, Lublin, Łódź, Toruń… to między innymi właśnie tam gracze będą mieli okazję jako pierwsi poznać Boss Monstera (i zgładzić w podziemiach kilku legendarnych bohaterów).

Pog(R)adajmy to cykliczna impreza dla wszystkich miłośników gier.
Wśród atrakcji mini turniej Boss Monstera, na którym będzie można wygrać egzemplarz gry.


Kiedy: 9 września, godz. 19.00
Gdzie: Kraków, Warszawa, Katowice, Bydgoszcz, Łódź, Poznań, Radom, Lublin, Wrocław, Olsztyn, Białystok, Toruń, Bielsko-Biała, Gdynia.
Wstęp: bezpłatny
Oficjalna strona wydarzenia: www.pogradajmy.pl
Grupa na dla wszystkich uczestników Pog(R)adajmy na Facebooku: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pogradajmy

Program imprezy:

– 19:00 prezentacja gry Boss Monster, zebranie zapisów na turniej
– 19.20 – rozpoczęcie luźnej rozmowy o grach „przy napojach”, powitanie i ogłoszenia pa(G)rafialne
– 20:45 przygotowanie do inteGRANIA
– 21:00 inteGRANIE wraz z losowaniem nagród ufundowanych przez sponsorów
– 22:00 oficjalne zakończenie spotkania

Boss Monster to gra karciana inspirowana klasycznymi grami wideo z klimatyczną grafiką pixel art. Gracz staje przed prawdziwym wyzwaniem – musi wcielić się w rolę czarnego charakteru, potężnego bossa, zbudować podziemia, zwabić do nich poszukiwaczy przygód… a potem wybić ich co do jednego!

Twórcy gry – bracia Chris i Johnny O’Neal – zbierali fundusze na publikację gry za pomocą crowdfundingowej platformy Kickstarter. Mieli nadzieję uzbierać 12 tysięcy dolarów, obawiali się jednak, że kwota może okazać się zbyt wysoka. Nieoczekiwanie w ciągu 30 dni udało im się zebrać zawrotną sumę 215 tysięcy dolarów. Był to pierwszy sygnał, że Boss Monster może spotkać się z dużym zainteresowaniem fanów retro gier.

Pixel Art

Od czasu amerykańskiej premiery w lipcu 2013 roku, gra cieszy się rekordowym powodzeniem. Sprzedano już niemal 30 tys. egzemplarzy Boss Monstera. Bracia O’Neal, zachęceni sukcesem, rozpoczęli prace nad kolejną częścią. Powstała też aplikacja Boss Monstera na urządzenia mobilne.

Potion Explosion

Nowa gra od Horrible Games

Na tegoroczne targi w Essen włoski wydawca szykuje nowy tytuł… Potion Explosion.


Stacje telewizyjne rywalizują

Na platformie Kickstarter wystartowała nowa kampania od wydawnictwa Formal Ferret Games. The Networks opowiada o starciach stacji telewizyjnych, autorem jest Gil Hova. Warto zajrzeć choćby dla specyficznych ilustracji.

The Networks is a tabletop strategy game from the designer of Bad Medicine, Battle Merchants, and Prolix, in which the players are all running competing television networks. You’ll start from humble beginnings to amass the best-possible prime-time lineup and a solid archive of reruns. The game runs 60-90 minutes, and is for 1-5 players.

The challenge of the game is that your shows will require stars and ads. But some stars perform better on certain kinds of shows, and some ads perform better in certain time slots. You’ll be making all sorts of juicy, tricky decisions as you guide your TV network to the top!

Mucke Spiele z nowościami na Essen

Niemiecki wydawca przygotował 2 nowe gry na nadchodzące targi Spiel’15.


Strategy game about sustainable materials by Alexander Huemer

Part of Edition Läufer (Game author’s competition of www.spielmaterial.de) / Successfull Crowdfunding-Project of Spieleschmiede

In this complex strategic optimization game about the forestry back in the 19th century, 2-4 entrepreneurs try to enlarge their small wood production company. The goal is to earn  more money than the competitors in the following two years. Players must secure the most valuable forests, organize the work and their workers, buy the tools needed and must trade the produced wood at the right time. They also have to keep in view the strong winters for which sufficient food and wood for heating is needed.

+ for strategy players
+ Extension available
+ rule video
+ spare part service
+ FAQ, Blog & Fan rules online
+ background to development

Website: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/174155/lignum

  • Players: 2-4 / age: 10 and above / duration: 90+ min.
  • Author: Alexander Huemer
  • Illustration: Christoph Clasen + Christian Opperer
  • Publisher: Mücke Spiele
  • Consumer price: 49  EUR


Manhattan Traffiq

Manhattan TraffIQ

A busy traffic experience by Dirk Arning

Participant of the Game Author’s competition at www.spielmaterial.de

Two to four players compete on the streets of Manhattan fort he most lucrative routes transporting people and goods. To do this, players place their trucks and taxis on a gradually growing city map. At the end of the game they must have as many vehicles on the roads as possible.

 +++ short tactical game +++ for all type of players +++ expansion scenario included +++ additional expansions available +++ Rules video +++ Spare part service +++ FAQ, Blog & Fan rules online +++ Information on background and dvelopment

 Website: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/179813/manhattan-traffiq

  • Players: 2-4 / age: 8 and above / duration: 20 min.
  • Author: Dirk Arning
  • Illustration: Christian Opperer
  • Publisher: Mücke Spiele
  • Consumer price: 19  EUR


Nowa karcianka od Reinera Knizi i Victory Point Games

A new card game from Reiner KniziaIcarus is a game for three to seven players who must don their wax-fastened wings to see who can soar the highest without being caught flying too close to the sun.

Icarus players draw one card each from seven different-colored decks and must bid an amount of one of those colors which they believe is less than the sum of every player’s card in that color. At some point bids, which must increase with each player, will reach so high that they are challenged! With a handy game mat and additional play variations included from the developers at Victory Point Games, we’re sure that Icarus will find a happy landing among your gaming group!

NSKN Games na urządzenia przenośne

Offworld Games and NSKN Games proudly announce a joint partnership today to develop and publish a digital adaptation of “Exodus: Proxima Centauri for PC, Mac, and iPad platforms. Together they will launch a Kickstarter in October for the project as well as a board game companion app for iOS in September.

Exodus is the type of game we’ve been building toward since our company’s beginning,” Offworld Games CEO Conlan Rios reflected, “and we’re excited at the prospect of adapting this amazing game for its hard core fans as well as a whole new audience of 4X players.

Exodus: Proxima Centauri is a space exploration and combat board game for one to six players. Published in 2012 by NSKN Games, players will need to manage negotiation, bidding, fleet construction, technology research, and a lot more, in order to win.



W sklepach pojawi się ju najnowszy tytuł od Booyah Games czyli N30N City RUMBLE.


Hundred Days 20

Jack Gill’sTolentino 20 focuses on battle of 2 and 3 May 1815 which occurred in central Italy during the period of the „Hundred Days” of Napoleon’s brief restoration to the French throne. Murat’s early gains were soon forfeit against the two advancing Austrian corps, but these two corps become separated by the Apennine Mountains. Like Napoleon’s Waterloo campaign, Murat hoped to defeat each corps in turn before they could reunite. One player commands the Neapolitan army under King Joachim Murat; the other player commands the Austrian army under Feldmarschall-Leutnant Freidrich Baron Bianchi.

Waterloo 20, 3rd Edition from Joseph Miranda is a game based on the Waterloo campaign of 15-18 June 1815. One player commands the French army, taking the role of the returning Emperor Napoleon. The other player assumes both the roles of Wellington for the Anglo-Dutch forces, and Blücher for the Prussian forces, respectively.

Two months after returning to France, Napoleon had an army of 280,000 men and was mobilizing half as many again for the next two months, but he was set upon by Allied coalition armies of nearly 1,000,000 soldiers who were preparing to move against France. The British (110,000 men) and Prussians (120,000 men) were closest, in Belgium, and Napoleon struck first before their numbers could be combined against him. With speed and surprise, he invaded Belgium with fully 125,000 men in a bid to defeat each of these armies in turn before they could unite.

Artana Games na 2016 rok

Building on the revolutionary Legacy-style games, the Echo System captures and translates player experiences from individual game sessions in one game, enabling these experiences to echo forward into other games of the same series. The Echo System allows players to bring their beloved nations, tribes, characters, and other game elements developed over play sessions in the first game of a series into subsequent series games. The epic narrative and story arc created is evocative of a roleplaying game within the package and mechanics of a modern tabletop Euro game. The result is an unparalleled persistent and immersive tabletop experience.

“With the Echo System, players build history, persistence, and meaning into their play,” said Artana creative director, Dirk Knemeyer. “Within one box, one purchase, there are two levels of engagement: each single game session you play has things going on and can be won. But, based on those various game sessions, the world within that box also changes and builds persistently toward even grander goals and outcomes. Finally, on top of that, via the Echo System, the world you build in that game, the actions you took, the characters you created, will translate uniquely and directly into the next boxed game in the series. The result is an unparalleled degree of immersion and consequence.”

Knemeyer is teaming up with IronWall Games president Rob Daviau, the designer of Risk Legacy™, to co-design the Chronicles Series™, – the first game series using the Echo System. Allowing players to write their own history in their own world, the first game in the series, Chronicles: Origins™, starts with formation of the earliest tribes. Players each represent a tribal leader, working out the values, possessions, and structure of their tribe. Then, after the tribes are formed, they will compete with one another in an environment reminiscent of prehistoric civilizations.

“The Chronicles Series will tell your story of your civilization,” Daviau said. “The first game starts with players forming their own nascent cultures and civilizations that will build during the game. This will be pretty neat on its own but then, with the Echo System, the story will continue with the second game in the series, and the third, and so on. You will watch civilizations rise and fall over thousands of years and a variety of games. It’s unlike anything you’ve played before.”

Chronicles: Origins will come to Kickstarter and be available for pre-order in February 2016. The North American debut will be at Gen Con 2016, while the worldwide release will be at SPIEL 2016 in Essen, Germany. . People interested in staying up-to-date on the Chronicles Series can sign up for the Artana newsletter at http://www.artana.com/chronicles.

Batman Fluxx

Batman Fluxx

We’re very excited to announce that Batman™ Fluxx will be in stores August 7! With art in the style of The New Batman Adventures, Batman™ Fluxx introduces the Caped Crusader (and his Rogue’s Gallery of villains) to the ever-changing card game of Fluxx. To celebrate Batman’s adventures in the Fluxx universe, you’ll be able to get a limited edition Batman™ Fluxx coin and Two-Face Flip card in the August issue of Game Trade Magazine, which will be available for FREE at GenCon (while supplies last)!

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